Kamikaze Logo
Martial Arts, definitely !
WTF KidsThis page is dedicated to Martial Arts, to every Martial Arts, and purposed to every martial artists from the beginners to the specialists of either Heiho (traditional Japanese war strategy), either Cage Combat, either classical Karate... well I mean to everybody who can find an interest in the theories and concepts of Martial Arts. This page is aimed at those who feel "l'esprit guerrier", the warrior spirit. This page is neither Japanese-oriented, neither Chinese-oriented, neither Korean-oriented, neither Whatever-oriented !

 Structure of the website :


 Ryu - Streetfighter


All the stuff Kamikaze Productions -- logos, pictures and texts -- is copyright of Guillaume Morel.
All the texts are copyright of Guillaume Morel, any reproduction must be referenced.
All the amateur pictures are copyright of Guillaume Morel. Any amateur picture can be used within a personal and non-commercial webpage.
All the pictures of Christophe Pinna are copyright of Karate Bushido, Winner, Bill Bly, courtesy of Christophe Pinna.


Special acknowledgements to Philippe Lasserre and Steve Taylor (photographer) for the photos, Christophe Pinna for the rights and his kindness, Doshin Martial Arts Supplies for their help, Masao and Marcos for their passion, Vince, Tom and Philippe for all the technical help.

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Kamikaze Productions